You’re a strong, fire-starting woman: we ALL are.
.…some of us simply give ourselves permission to truly believe it.

Yes–we have the amazing privilege to tell some truly powerful stories with our Empowered Portraits. Women overcoming addiction, kicking cancer’s ass, and surviving domestic abuse to name a few. –It’s truly an honor.
However-one thing that weighs on us just a bit is when we tell people what we do –we are often met with responses like ‘Ohh…I love that idea! But I don’t have a story like that.’ or ‘I love her art–but I couldn’t imagine being brave enough to see my face on a wall.’
Ladies-repeat after me: I AM A STORY WORTH CELEBRATING.
“Finding Your Fearless” is about encouraging women to take center stage in their own lives. Being unapologetically seen. Women come to us to celebrate many aspects of their lives and businesses. …And we ALL have a story to tell.
Curious as to some the fearless things our clients found worthy of celebrating with an Empowered Portrait experience?
Fearless is:
- Letting go of the notion of perfection and people-pleasing
- Turning the garage into an art studio and finally having space to create
- Saying it’s ‘my turn’ on a 40th birthday after dedicating decades to raising children
- An entrepreneur who is ready to finally be ‘seen’ as the basis of her own brand
- Turning a struggle with infertility into a business of helping others become pregnant
- Getting fired from your corporate job and deciding to have it propel you to start your own business
- Letting the bridge of a past relationship burn to light the way for the future
- Being the mother of 4 month old baby and never being more proud of your body
- Realizing that you were never “too much”…but just enough”
- Knowing your life is complete- whether or not you are married and have babies
- Buying the dress when none of your bridesmaid like it
- Refusing to believe you are “too tall, too fat or too tough” to be celebrated
- Valuing photographs of yourself as much as photos of your children (and not robbing them of your legacy)
- Being photographed as a gift for your husband but realizing it was really for you all along.
- Giving up the title ‘lawyer’ to become writer
- Pairing a beaming smile with a port scar and bald head
Now, what will you celebrate?
.snag your space and be unapologetically seen.)
